My Secret Weapon

Over the past two or so years, people have asked me what my “secret” is.

Well, if I told you, it wouldn’t be a secret, would it? I’ve chosen not to tell you about my secret love for Katy Perry. Gosh, stop pressing!

No, but for real. My weight loss secrets have been simple:

1. Pre-plan. Everything. Every little thing. No excuses. And if one thing causes you to slip up, and is off-plan, don’t let it get you – simply work it into your plan.

You want an example?

So this morning, I sat down, and planned every workout for the week. If you saw my last post, you’d know how working out has been my downfall lately. So, I sat down and figured out how many workouts I’d get in, exactly what I’ll do at the gym each day, and how many Weight Watchers points it’ll earn me (Or, for me, how many points it’ll pull me out of the red for the week).

Then, this afternoon, I’m going to sit down and plan my dinners for the week. My breakfasts/lunches are always roughly the same, so no need to stress too much about those.

Easy enough, no?

 But Kaitlyn, what if something throws my plan for a curve-ball?!

Curve-ball, you say. Let me tell you: them curve-balls will ALWAYS exist. Plan and prepare for those, as well. They will ALWAYS happen. And, in the off chance they don’t… as I always say, better safe than sorry. Have a plan, and a back-up plan.

Example: Tomorrow, my food plan remains the same: Breakfast: scrambled egg whites with spinach, tomatoes. Lunch: Turkey sandwich. Dinner: TBD. I’ll do the math and figure out whatever points I have left, and save those for snacks. Exercise: 30m on the elliptical; low-impact.

CURVE-BALL: Lunch is being ordered in to the office; pizza.

When this happens, I give myself two options: Eat it, and work out hard. Don’t eat it, and stay on-plan. Admittedly, I don’t always stay on plan. It’s tough when you smell pizza! But you can go “off-plan” and plan for it. Which makes it on-plan, no?

Track pizza. Maybe do a harder workout. Throwing in the towel may seem easy. Frankly, I’ve done it too many times. But it’s not your ONLY option. Think with your head, not with your stomach. Be logical.

2. Be loud. I know a lot of people who are self-conscious about their choice to lose weight and/or get healthier. What I’ve never understood is why you’d be shy or quiet about it. Frankly, I owe 100% of my success to the fact that I’ve been extremely open about my journey. Sure, I’m certain I’ve been obnoxious at times. I’m sure I’ve (unintentionally) made people feel a little crappy about themselves. But listen to me when I say this: Those people who made me feel crappy about myself a few years ago drove me to where I am now. So, even if I do make people feel like crap about their weight, I don’t mean to. If anything, I hope to have the same effect on them that someone had on me. (Note: I know I wrote a blog post about hating being called inspirational. This is still true; I hate that word. Don’t ask why.)

In a year, when I’m hopefully at my goal weight, I’ll be driven to stay there. Why? Because I’ve told so many people that I would. I’ve forced the public to hold me accountable, whether they like it or not. I would absolutely hate the feeling of everyone knowing I’ve failed and relapsed.

Now, I’m not saying you have to do what I’ve done and shout your goals from the rooftops. Keep a few people updated, if that’s what you’d prefer. Choose someone, preferably a hard-assed friend, to keep you accountable. Choose a person (or group of people) that you know will stick to their guns, who you don’t want to disappoint. Even if any great friend should never be disappointed in you for failing to achieve your goals, choose someone who you will feel upset to disappoint. I may be very open about many things but I’m even more open about things with my closest friends. They are proud of me, and that pride pushes me to work harder.  

So don’t let curve-balls get you down. Don’t shut people out. But ultimately, find your OWN secrets. Don’t give up before you do.

I think that’s my biggest secret. Shhh.


PS: I’m sorry if I’m a broken record and I’ve written about this before. I’m somewhat losing my mind, but I also haven’t read past blog entries lately. Sowwie!

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